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similar to: Practice of New York police in shooting
Prince of Wales opens a new bridge in Yarmouth
newsreel, PAT A/08/30
release date: 1930-08
State Police equestrian competitions in Lviv
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
New sport buildings of the capital in Bielany
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
Mussolini speaks to the crowds
newsreel, PAT A/08/30
release date: 1930-08
Wedding ceremony of King Boris of Bulgaria and Italian princess Giovanna
newsreel, PAT A/08/30
release date: 1930-08
Welcoming in Paris of aviators Dieudonne Costes and Maurice Bellonte
newsreel, PAT A/08/30
release date: 1930-08
Meal at heights
newsreel, PAT A/08/30
release date: 1930-08
Traditional japanese hairstyles
newsreel, PAT MF.164
release date: 1938-06
Arrival of bishop Bandurski at the Tenth Anniversary celebration of 49 Kresy Infantry Rifle Regiment
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
Warsaw zoo in winter
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
Kids in their element
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
Wedding of Miss Polonia with lawyer Leon Śliwiński
newsreel, WD MF.609
release date: 1930
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